As a mom, our list of daily responsibilities is endless. We often find ourselves daydreaming about a day of pampering, when the reality is who has the time to actually schedule it, let alone go through with it. The guilt alone is enough to put the kaboosh on such a day.
However, when you receive an invite to the Miracle Suit showroom to celebrate the Miracle of Mothers, guilt goes out the window, and you jump at the chance just as we did!
Since giving birth I have not been one to dive into a swimsuit. I have been coerced into wearing swimsuits to indulge and have fun with the little people, but yet I felt uncomfortable, and concerned with my body image. I am certain I am not alone, but also feel every female should be given the opportunity to wear a swimsuit and feel beautiful.
Thanks to Miracle Suit and The Moms so many moms feel beautiful once again. For more information on what the Miracle is that transforms your body 10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds follow Miracle Suit on facebook, twitterand visit their website.
Keeping with the Beach theme, Sarah Potempa celebrity hair stylist and creator of the BeachWaver was on hand to beautify all the ladies. Gone were the frizzy hairstyles everyone arrived with compliments of the weather. Within minutes we were transformed, into beach babes, take a look at the video below to relive this momentus day with us!
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