I believe every child is different and as a parent, you yourself know what works for your child. With that being said I have to tell you, we reward our son for good grades.
Obviously we expect good grades, isn’t that what every parent wants? However our son gets great grades on all his tests but can slack off during class itself, because he gets bored. Therefore we give him motivation to partake and focus on the lesson being taught.
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We don’t reward good grades. Instead, the kids have an allowance, and getting good grades is part of earning their allowance. I don’t think rewarding is right or wrong. It’s different for everyone, but that’s just how we do it.
I always worked hard for good grades and was excited when my parents were rewarding. I have seen how some of the school work is now and can see how rewarding the participation in class is important now. I think its important to figure out what works for your child.
WE do simple rewards to our kid for good grades. Something like icecream or pearl tea, or even a dinner night out of her choosing. Sometimes when the exam is big and she really did well we will go out shopping for a new T. 🙂
Good grades don’t come easily for lots of kids and some need to work extra hard to achieve them. I think as a parent you should expect your child to perform to the best of their abilities but you should also recognize when they put in the time and effort and work really hard. Rewards don’t need to be extravagant, their favorite dessert after dinner is just fine.
All children are indeed different. Some respond better to rewards but I don’t believe good grades should be rewarded. That being said, if you have a student who has been struggling and shows great improvement and a learning breakthrough, by all means reward him or her! They deserve it.
We reward and praise doing your best. Each of my children have a different level of “best”
For my oldest, he always gets “A”s. It’s easy to him. I reward him when he pushes himself further than he has too.
As a teacher, I find that I reward my students for their accomplishments both inside and outside of the classroom by engaging them in conversation, attending their events, and simply being there for them. That is the best way to help kids on their journey, but supporting them through their successes and struggles. Thanks for the interesting topic.
Growing up, my mom always taught my brother & I that getting was not for her it was for us. She never rewarded us as some of my childhood friends would be rewarded. My mom gave us so much though that we never really thought about it. I however, do think that depending on each house hold it works for them. Some children really strive for excellence in school because they know they’ll be rewarded but in some cases, we know that some kids don’t care to strive because they are rewarded regardless with money regularly or gifts of some kind.
However great post! I cannot wait to see more from you! ❤️
Our parents rewarded us with good food when we have good grades. We are also rewarded with praises and not really with toys and material things as they did not want us to be spoiled in getting what we want. This is a very important topic when it comes to discussing about parenting and raising children.
My son is only two but I already find myself rewarding him for good behaviour. I think rewards encourage not only children, but anyone to want to strive for success and do well – isn’t that why there are bonuses and incentives in the job field? I think I would reward him for good grades because hard work and effort should be acknowledged and celebrated.
I was rewarded for good grades as a child and I was always on the A Honor Roll! lol I definitely thinks that creating an incentive is a great way to get kids to focus and take their schooling seriously. However, I also think that when they begin to expect the reward and feel entitled to it, then it’s time to take the reward away.
I don’t have kids yet, but I do plan on doling out small rewards for good grades when I do have them. During the school year, maybe a boost in allowance with every great report card, and for the final one of the year, maybe a summer day trip to a theme park or zoo? But the only way to be rewarded is to maintain or improve!