Whatever your daily rituals and lengthy To-Do list’s may look like on a daily basis, there’s no doubt in my mind that time quickly passes us by.
From morning drop off to work to after school activities making sure that homework is done, dinner is on the table, whether it be take out or actually made in my kitchen and the kids are in bed by a reasonable hour. Let’s face it, it’s a busy world out there and despite the fact that we are all given the same 24 hours in a day, it’s often hard to find time to relax and spend quality time with the ones we love.
If your family is anything like mine, it is full of entertainers both big and small and family movie night with Verizon FiOs is our go to! I mean seriously, who doesn’t love cuddling up on the couch with siblings, and cousins and a few big bowls of popcorn laughing the night away? With Verizon FiOs my family has access to rent or buy the newest releases or our favorite classics right at our finger tips!
We are repeat offenders, and I’m sure you are as well so we always lean towards buying movies opposed to renting. I mean either buy or rent you have access to your movie playlist via the Fios mobile app, which comes in very handy for road trips or on the plane. Yes, I do expect a thank you for that tip. Truth is the Fios mobile app saved over 80 passengers this passed weekend aboard a Delta flight from having to deal with the wrath I call Gia! Luckily wifi kicked in, and Zootopia began, as I finally exhaled.
Even though it can be hard to get us all in one room together, and requires planning, a family movie night with Verizon FiOs with over 130,000+ On Demand titles you can bet that family movie night is and will continue to be a regular occurrence in our home because every moment that we spend together as a family counts. Especially as we recite the lines of our favorite movie, and sing along to our favorite theme songs, laugh and cry together. I know this time together will leave us with memories that will last a lifetime.
Tell us your thoughts…
What is your favorite family movie to watch?
Do you typically rent or buy your movies?
Disclosure: This post was sponsored on behalf of Verizon. All opinions stated are my own. Thank you for supporting School Yard Style!
It’s been so long since I done a family movie night, I don’t know what my fav would be. I tend to rent from Redox or watch something on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon prime.
Our family loves family movie night. We try to do it every Friday. It’s a great way to connect and share some quality time together.
What an awesome way to get access to some great movies. I’m a big fan of family movie nights too.
We don’t too many movie nights anymore since everyone is grown up. But I always watch movies on Netflix, since I have a never ending list. Lol
I love movie night with my girls, it’s good quality time and we get to eat some of our favorite snacks too! It’s so nice that Verizon is offering a deal like this, I’m sure a lot of parents will appreciate it!
One of the best time moment exercising every week of our family. This a great way to connect and closeness of every individuals.
Oh gosh, my typical family movie always involves either CG characters or action-packed Marvel/DC movies. I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about Fios, no wonder it’s from Verizon!
I love family movie nights! They’re so much fun for everyone in the family and they really make everyone bond and have a great time!
My family usually go out on cinemas whenever there’s a big film to be shown. This FIOS sounds amazing though. Might take a look soon.
I loved family movie night as a kid. We used to go to a movie rental store. It’s neat that fios is around to let modern families still have movie night!
Havent done family movie date in awhile! We love lazy summer days as we can watch a movie online into the late hours and its still light outside…We love going to the park, finding fun stuff to do outside..bring on the summer hols Already!
Now that my son is older, our favorite movie to watch together is The Warriors. We also watch it when there isn’t anything good on tv lol.
Oh, I want to try this. At least once a week we have a movie night at home so this is so perfect for us.
I love movie nights with my family. Glad you share this