As a family we are engaging in one last getaway before we get back to our routines. Routines come along with the school year and for us keeps tantrums and drama at bay. Routines and charts to include showering before bed, setting up lunches, and backpacks by the door. This sounds foolish as we all know it has to be done, but time has proven in our house if not done routinely mom is surely making a return trip with lunch or homework. I am not one to ever leave my kids hanging. I know this isn’t always a good thing, lecture me about this another time.
Early bed times are a must.
Clearly with being away our sleep schedule is not where is should be just yet. Plans to get the littles down before 8 to ensure enough sleep for each will begin as soon as we return home.
With a family addicted to Verizon Fios and the Fall Lineup beginning within days of back to school, early bed time routines can be a bit tricky. Here is my compromise I offer you and my little ones: set your DVR! Or download the Fios Mobile App.
We are set to embark on a new school year in a much more challenging school, and I am strictly enforcing the one hour of television a day during the week. I don’t allow television time before bed, during the school days, so this could get hairy. Well maybe until the kids get back to their schedule anyway.
JD of course had the most concern about my new bedtime and tv viewing rules. However, he quickly came up with a solution. If he DVR’s KC Undercover, Austin and Ally etc. he can watch both in under an hour. Naturally he tested his theory, and fast forwarded through all the commercials. He may watch the ones with the latest toys, but he is well aware the clock is ticking. With extra time to spare he can also watch a little bit of Pokemon.
With concerns of missing out on their shows during the days they have activities scheduled, (everyday), the kids have already planned to bring their tablets for the car ride to and from gymnastics, guitar practice etc. With the FiOS app, they can watch all of their recorded shows, wearing headphones of course. This decision was their own and is a win win for me as well. It relinquishes my need to threaten to pull the car over because they are fighting in the backseat! Yes we have all been there, thankfully I have never had to pull the car over. Honestly I am not sure what I would do if I did have to! HA!
Stay tuned for additional back to school tips, and feel free to share some of your own below.
Do you allow your little ones to watch tv before bed? What does your bedtime routine look like?
Disclosure: I am a Verizon Ambassador and this is a sponsored post, as always all opinions expressed are my very own. Thank you for supporting School Yard Style
I can’t believe we are already halfway through the first semester. We are movie towards med terms already. Time is flying.
Sounds like you are all set with some great ideas to get back into another routine. Hope you have a really great start to the school year and the kiddos enjoy the new learning adventures!
Wow! I might do this for me! LOL, no littles to worry about but I have a lot of TV shows I hate to miss!
We also took a last minute getaway before school started. It is great to get away before the craziness ensues.
I don’t have kids yet so I don’t have to regulate anything like that but it sounds like a great solution!
My son watches Little Einsteins before bed. I think he’s the only one who still does! Loves it though.
I agree that a routine is so important with kids.
Mine have set routines for chores and homework but I’m quite flixible with bedtime and screen and TV time x
It’s important for me too, that the kids get enough sleep before school. I usually have them adjust to an earlier bedtime a week before the school starts. These are very good tips though!
This post is so lovely. I am preparing my son for the next school year, he just turned 3 last month.
It can be so hard to finally give in to the fact that summer is over and school is back in full swing. I know I didn’t want to admit it!
I think early bed times are a must in our house regardless if it’s back to school time or vacation. We function so much better with plenty of sleep. My daughter is an earlier riser so it’s become part of our routine.
I love these tips!! Back to school is always so busy for us, especially with five kids all in school now.
I’ve had to really work on bed times this year. I have three kids so getting one to bed on time is easy, but all three is hard!
Early bedtimes do help for us. Sometimes I don’t even realize how tired the kids are.
WE only allow television or nitendo ds at bedtime on weekends. Early bedtime routine is a must during school year. Though holidays and min vacas tend to throw us off!
Great suggestions! Early bed times really are a must! My child is impossible to wake in the morning so she needs all the sleep she can get!
This is a great idea to limit the kids TV time, but still allowing them to enjoy something they find relaxing. Also keeping a tablet handy for car rides is a MUST for peacekeeping.
My son always got to watch a little tv at bedtime. It never became an issue for us because he would pass out within 10 minutes of his head hitting the pillow.
My kids have their screen time in the afternoon while my baby naps. Our bedtime routine consists of chaos, chaos, and more chaos. They just do not want to go to bed before 9pm!
We wouldn’t be able to survive without routines. I like to have my boys lay out their school uniforms the night before so we are not scrambling to find everything in the morning.
I don’t have kids but I remember my mom putting my siblings and I early during the school year. I always protested since I am a natural night owl.
I’m guilty of letting gabby watch TV before bedtime, but I make sure to turn everything off as soon as it hits 9:30 if she hasn’t gone out yet.
Getting back into the back to school routine is important. I also limit the screen time for my kids too.