If you look close enough you will see a big S on my chest. I see it, and after reading this post you will too!

Today I feel like a Super Mom! Kids woke up on time, and no this is not a scene from the Brady Bunch I did have to drag them out of their beds. But today it wasn’t with motivational speaking, (aka yelling). Today it was with laughter and a race to the breakfast table for bragging rights.
With the kids dressed, and fed we were off for school, dare I say ON TIME!! Usually Gia has a bathroom run just as I call for coats on. Which makes me go nuts, triggers a melt down, and before you know it we are late.
Not this morning… and wait for it… we were out the door without one argument!!
Talk about a domino effect, we missed the morning traffic, and arrived to school before the bell rang. This was followed by laundry folded and put away, and dinner prepped in the slow cooker before I started working.
Yep, today is a #Momwin! I owe it all to a positive attitude, which trickled down to my kids. Waking up with a smile and a positive attitude changed our day.
Give it a try tomorrow and let me know how it affects your day.
I will have to try it because I feel like all I do is yell
Same here! Which is why I prayed for a change. I woke up smiling and went with it! Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
I have always been considered a cheerful optimist. It does help to have a positive attitude, sometimes positive is the only thing that holds off negative.
I have been trying to keep positive myself, but it’s sometimes hard.
I love days like this! This year I am trying so hard to be more positive and have a better outlook on things.