Life coaching for teens is something you might not have heard of before. When we hear about this type of coaching, we often think of adults who are overwhelmed with their lives, unable to iron out all the bumps and wrinkles that life always seems to throw their way.
However, if you think about it, teens have all of those same problems. School, friends, hormones pulling them in a hundred directions at once. Teens need life coaching, too. Sometimes, I think they need it more than adults. That’s why I was excited to discover Coachbit. It’s a life coaching program for teens that helps them take control of their lives – lives that can often feel out of control, schedule your call today to receive 20% off your first month of coaching.

Benefits of Life Coaching for Teens
My son is a freshman in high school, and I already see that he’s having some difficulties keeping organized and showing up for other aspects of his life. It’s nothing major, but the move to multiple classes and teachers and the extra pressure that high school brings making his school days a little more fraught. So I decided to partner with Coachbit for life coaching. Their service takes an approach that encompasses all aspects of getting organized, on track, and generally learning how to deal with the ups and downs of life, something that will serve him – and all teens, really – well now and in the future.
Using real, human coaches that focus on actual interaction with our teens – not just a program with a checklist – Coachbit helps teens develop the tools they need to conquer their lives now and in the future. Their service helps with:
- Organizational skills
- Time-management skills
- Study skills
- Goal setting abilities
- Grit
- Focus
- Memory
- General well-being
You can see how all of these skills are useful in high school and in life, in general, which is what makes this program so exciting.
How Coachbit Works
Coachbit combines an app WITH a personal life coach. This combination allows teens to take control of their lives and learn personal accountability while still receiving hands-on guidance from a highly trained life coach. It works like this:
Students download the app. The app gives your teen tools to implement what they learn provides the coach with data that allows for greater insight into how your teen can implement their goals. It also gives you a better look at how your teen is doing on their coaching journey.
Next, your teen is paired with a highly trained personal coach who will provide one-on-one guidance. Finally, your teen’s coach will check in via live chat. Coaching sessions happen in small chunks each day to allow your teen to implement what they learn with just the right amount of oversight. There’s no hovering or nagging, but your teen also won’t feel like they’re doing it alone.
Finally, your child’s coach will give him or her the tools they need to apply to their studies and life and monitor their progress via the information stored in the app and their regular video chats. Each week, the coach will set a small challenge in the categories I mentioned earlier, so your child is always working toward a goal and putting his or her information to use.
Life Coaching for Teens with Coachbit
I’m excited for my son to be taking this journey with Coachbit. Although I’m always there for him, I know life coaching for teens isn’t something you can instinctively do. Therefore I will be there for him as a support system with less nagging, while a highly trained life coach gives him the skills he needs to excel now and in the future. Click the Coachbit link to receive 20% off your first month of coaching.

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