Proin arcu ipsum, congue id eleifend quis, efficitur sit amet nibh. Suspendisse at laoreet tellus, eu luctus diam. Donec tempor…
Off to the Next Adverture
Vestibulum posuere ex eget pulvinar pellentesque. Suspendisse at nisl posuere, tempus dolor non, mattis nulla. Nam ut justo eget nunc…
18 inch doll recap #MomAdvisory Board
Our participation in the Madame Alexander mom advisory board is exposing Gia to such a variety of dolls. Ones I had…
Our weekly unplugged moments includes games from Spin Master!
Since becoming a parent our weekends of partying have definitely changed, and we couldn’t be happier. As a family that…
Our Top Picks from #TTPM 2014!
I attended TTPM‘s Holiday preview and wanted to share some of our ABSOLUTE FAVORITE picks for this Holiday Season. While I…